
The Many Faces of Prince


I was lucky enough to work with Prince for a couple of years, a partnership that started with a project called ‘The Many Faces of Prince’. The idea was to create a portrait of Prince, one for every year he's been in the music business, using only simple shapes. He saw the project, got in touch and we went on to create album art, merchandise, staging and more.


Role: Art Direction / Design / Artist / Illustrator

Individual portraits from the series were used for his final two album covers and also to launch his full catalogue on music platform, Tidal.


We then continued to work on other styles, designs and projects to accompany his music. I continue to work with his estate and have created art for various tributes and celebrations. You can see more of that art here.


“I had this artist draw me in phases through my career…”

— Prince, The Beautiful Ones Memoir


 Art: © Paisley Park / NPG Records / The Prince Estate Portrait photo: © Paisley Park / Madison Dubé


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Prince—A Celebration